Prussing PTO & LSC
PTOWe have a wonderful community of parents, teachers and staff at Prussing Elementary. This strong partnership helps make our school community the best it can be for our children and our teachers.
PTO Fundraising Request Form |
LSCChicago Public Schools have Local School Councils (LSCs) to help with the operations of each school. The primary responsibilities of LSCs include approving how funds and resources are allocated, developing and monitoring the annual school improvement plan, and evaluating and monitoring the school's principal.
Every public school in Chicago has a LSC which is charged with three main duties: to decide how school funds and resources are allocated, to develop and monitor the annual School Improvement Plan (CIWP), and to evaluate and select the school principal. The Local School Council consists of 6 parents, 2 teachers, a non-teacher staff member, 2 community members, 1 student and the principal of the school. Council members are elected by members of their peer group on the second semester Report Card Pick-Up Day in April of every even-numbered year. Parent, community, and teacher representatives serve a two-year term beginning July 1 after each election and ending June 30, two years later. [email protected] |
Volunteer & FundraisingVolunteer Programs are intended to provide a stream-lined pathway for parents and community stakeholders to contribute their valuable time and talents to the learning and enrichment experience of our students.